Many say that the RE power acquisition by Suzlon signals a meteoric high for promoter Chairman Tulsi Tanti. W
ill he crash or fly higher?
“The answer my friend, is blowing in the wind, the answer is...” That was poet and rock phenomenon, Bob Dylan, about 50 years ago. Having completed 50 years, the multi-billionaire Tulsi Tanti has neither the time nor the inclination to go nostalgic about Dylan. But for sure, he and his brainchild, Suzlon, have turned the meaning of ‘blowing in the wind’ on its head.
His neighbours hardly ever get to see him. They are typical upper middle-class professionals, who are realising their own versions of the Great Indian Dream. But they can’t help talking about Tulsi Tanti, who stays in a rented apartment in this upscale locality of Pune. Tanti’s brothers stay in similarly modest adjoining apartments and the family has dinner together. Tulsi Tanti is missing most of the time because he is inside an aircraft for about 200 days in a year. Of late, neighbours talk more oft en about the modest lifestyle of Tanti, who is worth about $5 billion at the moment; particularly after a high-profile builder from Pune called Abhay Bhonsle was arrested recently by tax authorities for evading duty. Bhonsle stays in a 56-bedroom mansion in a tony Pune suburb. About 200 kilometres away in Dalal Street, nobody is interested in where Tanti and his family stay.
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Source : IIPM Editorial, 2007
An IIPM and Professor Arindam Chaudhuri (Renowned Management Guru and Economist) Initiative