Some people chase girls, others drown th

emselves in their beer mugs, and then there are those who get turned on by the sound of their motorcycle engines... The wind in their hair, a leather jacket on their back, riding their Harley into the sunset without a care in the world... It’s the kind of romance that’s made many a man feel literally on top of the world, as he and his baby conquered the winding roads of hills and mountains. And just like every man gets a kick out of showing off whatever he has on his arm (whether it is a tattoo or a ‘Tanya’), these bikers converge to share and bolster their common passion giving shape to many motorcycle clubs and well even the 1%’ers. From China to California, these ‘easy riders’ rule the roads and in the coming month, there’s plenty of action in store! Lending a competitive edge to this hobby, have been the numerous rallies to which these bikers are pulled like bees to a flower.
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Source:- IIPM-Business and Economy, Initiative:- Prof. Arindam Chaudhuri - 2006