Baseline: Giving millions a reason to smile
Category: Print
4Ps B&M TAKE: History fascinates; historic revolutionaries are even more fascinating. HappyDent, from the stable of Perfetti, well known for its distinctly humorous TVCs, has come out with something different this time and is all set to create an impact on consumers through the print medium as well. With the latest creatives built around personalities such as Mahatma Gandhi, Nelson Mandela and Mother Teresa (the faces of these people have been reconstructed using HappyDent gum tablets) and set in a black backdrop, this one makes for an admirable piece of artwork and sets a benchmark for similar brands in the category. The punchline “Giving millions a reason to smile” is again inspiring making this creative a clear winner this fortnight.
Times Of India
Baseline: The Great Indian Circus
Category: Print
4Ps B&M TAKE: The latest print commercial conceptualised by Taproot for The Times of India titled ‘The Great Indian Circus’ aims to capture a day in the life of India. This campaign is part of a contest which involves uploading pictures, videos and jokes to sketch the quirky reality of the world’s largest democracy. The ad that showcases everything right from Baba Ramdev’s aasans, to a whacky circus, from a child playing cricket to God men, gives you a chance to win great prizes and goodies. The concept of banking on every Indian’s perspective of his country hits the bull’s eye and is bound to generate the response expected out of it. Great idea & smart execution, we would say!
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Source : IIPM Editorial, 2011.
An Initiative of IIPM, Malay Chaudhuri and Arindam chaudhuri (Renowned Management Guru and Economist).
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